Modeling and Visualization of Man’s ‘Digital Shadow’ at Enterprises


Krylov I.  A.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article studies the potential of introducing systems of the situational center in order to build a system providing safe life in the real range of time and effective management of production and organization processes within the frames of the concept of shifting to industry 4.0. On the basis of research findings today's enterprises and organizations should form strategy of their development with due regard to the necessity to digitalize the man. The key goals of this process are monitoring of employees' vital functions, extrapolation and modeling of substandard situations and visualization of generalized information in a suitable format in the range of real time. By analyzing the condition and problems of enterprise digitalization the authors systematized key factors, which should be taken into account for building the advanced system of providing labour safety in the range of real time, proposed the automated management system of providing labour safety based on the system of the situational center and the procedure of developing strategy of enterprise digitalization with regard to HR digitalization, which includes introduction of the system of situational center. By using situational center the modulus for modeling and visualization of ‘digital shadow' was worked out to monitor vital functions of enterprise employees.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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