1. Alferev D. A., Kremin A. E. Razvitie iskusstvennogo intellekta v sovremennoy ekonomike [The Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Modern Economy]. Human Progress, 2020, Vol. 6, Issue 1. (In Russ.).
2. Babkin A. V., Fedorov A. A., Liberman I. V., Klachek P. M. Industriya 5.0: ponyatie, formirovanie i razvitie [Industry 5.0: Concept, Formation and Development]. Ekonomika promyshlennosti [Industrial Economics], 2021, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 375–395. (In Russ.).
3. Barinov V. R. Vozmozhnosti primeneniya programmnogo obespecheniya na osnove orientirovanno determinirovannykh grafov dlya vyyavleniya manipulyatsiy v finansovoekonomicheskoy sfere v kontekste POD/FT [Possibilities of Using Software Based on Oriented Deterministic Graphs to Identify Manipulations in the Financial and Economic Sphere in the Context of AML/CFT]. Sistema POD/FT v globalnom mire: riski i ugrozy mirovoy ekonomiki: sbornik tezisov dokladov uchastnikov V Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Mezhdunarodnogo setevogo instituta v sfere POD/FT [AML/CFT System in the Global World: Risks and Threats to the Global Economy. Collection of abstracts of reports of participants of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference of the International Network Institute in the field of AML/FT]. Moscow, 2020, pp. 103–106. (In Russ.).
4. Barinov V. R. Metody obrabotki i khraneniya dannykh konnektoma i kognayzera dlya formirovaniya struktury assotsiativno-verbalnoy seti [Methods of Processing and Storing Connectome and Cognizer Data for the Formation of the Associative-Verbal Network Structure]. XXXIV Mezhdunarodnye Plekhanovskie chteniya: sbornik statey aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh [XXXIV International Plekhanov Readings. Collection of articles by graduate students and young scientists]. Moscow, 2021, pp. 165–170. (In Russ.).
5. Barinov V. R. Sozdanie semanticheskoy seti kak metod strukturizatsii informatsii dlya dalneyshey obrabotki [Creation of a Semantic Network as a Method of Structuring Information for Further Processing]. ХХХIII Mezhdunarodnye Plekhanovskie chteniya: sbornik statey aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh [ХХХIII International Plekhanov Readings. Collection of articles by graduate students and young scientists]. Moscow, 2020, pp. 108–115. (In Russ.).