Distinctions between Russian and Overseas Approaches to Researching Agro-Industrial Value Chains


Leonenko N. S.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Agro-industrial value chains are studied poorly in Russia, in spite of the potential of the Russian agricultural industry. At present its export consists mainly of agricultural raw materials, which are processed in finished products by other countries, which get added value. It means rather low positions in international trade. In the field of researching agro-industrial value chains Russia still takes initial stages. The major part of Russian research deal with revising of overseas colleagues’ results. In comparison with foreign research these investigations cover a limited range of problems and study only occasionally other territories besides Russia and adjoining countries. To be used for applied purposes Russian research need deeper mathematic calculations: today such research, as a rule, shows statistic information on added value in a visual way, for example, demonstrates the Russia’s position in global agro-industrial value chains. Unfortunately, Russian investigations very seldom show in quantitative manner the potential effect of increasing integration of Russia in agro-industrial chains and identify lines, where this integration is necessary.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Medicine

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