Developing the Efficient System of Organization Governance Based on Optimization of Its Counterpart Liabilities


Lukasheva O. L.1,Novikova N. E.1,Melnikov V. A.1,Stepanov A. A.2


1. Smolensk branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The efficiency of any organization work and its financial wellbeing depend mainly on policy of managing debt receivable and its results. It is explained by the fact that debtor liabilities form the current company assets by 30–40% on average. To provide liquidity and solvency organization top management shall not allow the excessive immobilization of own working capital and its freezing in the form of non-repaid counterpart liabilities. At the same time to minimize debt receivable in current condition of company functioning is not possible. The principle cause of debt receivable rise is high competition on food and service market, due to which companies offer to their clients different conditions of settlement by contracts. This practice results in cash deficiency and can have a negative impact on finance standing of the company, which requires using different tools that could provide the timely repay of liabilities by counterparts. The article substantiates that only complex and systematic application of different methods of debt receivable optimization can give an opportunity to reach the result and raise efficiency of organization work. The effective control over debt receivable is possible, if the system is built that allows to get operative information and encashment of indebtedness without exposing the company to risks, as its excessive amount and low quality threaten profitability and solvency of the organization.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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