1. Krasnodar branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
2. Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
The article highlights key problems in managing public health system in the Krasnodar area during COVID-19 pandemic. It provides findings of the research on public health system functioning in the context of administrative-legal, economic factors and resource potential of the area in 2017–2021. A number of indicators were compared with data of the South Federal district and the Russian Federation in general. The spread of new corona-virus infection in the Krasnodar area became a serious challenge to society, economy and regional business. It was proved that there are certain problems in the region stipulated by the overall stressful situation caused by corona-virus infection, quarantine and other restrictive measures and loss of economic stability of the real sector in economy. Apart from that the public health system of the region faced such problems as management fragmentation, disco-ordination of some components in managerial hierarchy, absence of complex decisions on protection and preservation of people’s health, medical and demographic faults, insufficient accessibility of medical aid, especially in rural areas. Recommendations formulated on the basis of research findings aim at overcoming of identified problems in order to attain the target landmarks in managing public health system in the region. Priority trends in managing public health in view of systematic-functioning approach that supposes introduction of a set of measures, such as goal – setting, planning, coordination and regulation of incidents, as well as implementation of the system of organizational – instructive, administrative, medical-sanitary, preventive and cultural-educational measures. Upgrading management of the public health system in the area could give an opportunity to improve the level and quality of medical service and consequently, the efficiency of industry. It can promote preservation and strengthening health of the population, rising labour activity, reaching serious social and economic parameters of people’s life in conditions of overcoming the pandemic after-effects.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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