Counteraction of Russian Finance Market Against External Sanctions Pressure


Bolvachev A. I.1,Zamalov A. R.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article shows the impact of external economic sanctions on the Russian financial market. Special attention is paid to the currency, commodity and derivative markets of the Moscow Stock Exchange. The main focus of the work is the analysis of changes in market dynamics and pricing under the influence of political and economic constraints. Methodologically, the study is based on a comprehensive analysis of trade session data, including statistical processing and modeling of market reactions. The use of actual analytical methods made it possible to identify nonlinear dependencies and hidden patterns of behavior of market participants. The results of the study demonstrate that sanctions have had a significant impact on volatility, liquidity and market structure. The authors show the influence of political factors on financial instruments in a crisis, as well as develop new methodological approaches to analyzing financial market data. The results of the work can be used to coordinate trading strategies, develop market regulation policies and assess risks in conditions of political instability. The study also provides a basis for further analysis of the consequences of economic sanctions and the development of strategies to adapt to changing market conditions.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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