Developing Economic and Mathematic Models of Company Tax Burden Taking into Account Specific Features of Industry


Kovalenko S. N.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The importance and appraisal of enterprise tax burden is underlined by its serious impact on its finance and business functioning. In order to conduct a high-quality tax controlling, cut tax risks and achieve optimal tax burden the author focuses attention on studying theoretical principles and approaches to estimating the impact of tax burden on business activity of the organization. Through analyzing economic and mathematic methods of assessing company tax burden elaborated by Russian scientists, focus was made on the importance of investigating this indicator within the frames of econometric modeling with the help of language R. To estimate the impact of tax burden on results of business activity and finance and economic factor on the amount of tax burden the article proposed to build models with panel data, whose shaping can help identify steps aimed at upgrading tax control and tax burden management.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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