1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga Branch);
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article deals with problems connected with monetary and credit policy of the Russian Federation in new economic and geo-political conditions, such as mass sanction pressure on home economy, serious fluctuations of raw material prices, drastic changes in economic logistic chains and growing needs in budget expenditure. The author showed the role of monetary and credit sphere in the system of providing national economic security in the country, investigated tools of monetary and credit policy in conditions of sanctions and analyzed and assessed key trends that are realized by the Bank of Russia and aimed at overcoming economic after-effects of sanctions. The article fixed characteristics of the monetary and credit system which can be considered safe. Steps of the Bank of Russia aimed at overcoming economic after-effects and minimization of threats for the monetary and credit system were studied. It was shown that innovation development of the banking system is still a promising trend that includes the project of using the digital profile aiming at higher accessibility of finance resources and minimization of negative consequences of sanction restrictions. And finally, the author came to the conclusion that high degree of openness of such policy can increase confidence on the part of economic relation entities to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a key monetary and credit institution.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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