1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
On the current stage of economic and geo-political development of the country, that can be characterized by weakening of foreign-economic relations with unfriendly countries, sanctions against Russian economy and blocking the access to import technologies strategically important for Russian production, issues dealing with Russian economy arrival on the advanced technological level become more and more acute. Ensuring technological sovereignty of national economy in crucial industries is a top-priority task for attaining this goal and academic research of technological sovereignty is especially topical today. Thus, the present article studies essential and conceptual characteristics of economy technological sovereignty. By analyzing academic literature the author identified three scientific and practical approaches to understanding the essence of technological sovereignty: technological sovereignty as a component of economic and national security; technological sovereignty as an element of open-type economy; technological sovereignty as a factor of geo-political development and as a level of science and technological development collated with global one. The article shows strategic basis of technological sovereignty in Russia. And finally, the author came to the conclusion that the vector of Russian economy development combined with achieving technological independence of national economy is strategically true.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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