Russia’s participation in economic globalization: new reversal of tendencies


Bulatov A. S.1


1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation


The article analyzes the most important shifts in the indicators of globalization of the world economy. The author attempts to give a retrospective analysis of Russia's participation in international trade, the movement of capital, labor, knowledge and its monetary and settlement relations with the outside world over the past 3 decades. The author comes to the conclusion that the globalization of the Russian economy in the last 3 decades has brought the country a lot of wins and losses, the balance of which was formed in different ways. But 2022 became after the mid-1990s. another turning point in this process and, along with positive changes (acceleration of import substitution), this turning point carries threats, first of all, a reduction in the inflow of knowledge and capital. The turning point in the globalization of the Russian economy that has emerged in recent years and occurred in 2022 is caused mainly by political, not economic reasons.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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