
Pham Ngoc Van1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


At present Vietnam, according to key economic and socially significant indicators, can be confidently attributed to dynamically developing states. Such achievements are a consequence of the sustainable development strategy consistently implemented by the public administration sector. The global modernization of the national economy of the country has brought significant results that can definitely be attributed to the experience of best practices. In general terms, characterizing the main features of the Vietnamese economy, one should single out the predominant share of agriculture, export orientation, including agricultural products, the intensity of GDP growth, the flexibility of authorities in regulating macroeconomic processes, etc. Given the agrarian orientation of the Vietnamese economy, the chosen course with an emphasis on agricultural industrialization and modernization contributed to the achievement of socially significant results in this industry. In this study, a detailed analysis of the main trends in the development of agriculture is carried out, an interpretation of the results is presented, problem areas are identified that do not allow taking a leading position among the countries of Southeast Asia in the export of agricultural products. The main directions of the agrarian policy implemented by the government of Vietnam are systematized, which are aimed at strengthening the competitive position of the state in the context of ongoing permanent institutional changes.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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