Assessment of CHINA'S contribution to the development of the russian electric power industry: from planned to implemented projects


Wang Ji Lu1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University; LLC "KNSHNK Energy Technologies and Servis Rus"


Modern energy cooperation between Russia and China is mutually beneficial and complementary: China invests in the implementation of Russian energy projects, and Russia, in turn, supplies its energy resources to China, meeting the needs of both sides. This article assesses China's contribution to the development of the Russian electric power industry. The assessment is carried out on the basis of careful examination of upcoming and already implemented projects of China's investment cooperation in Russia in the field of renewable energy, including solar, wind, and hydropower, as well as in the field of thermal and nuclear energy. At the same time attention is paid to the volume of investment in specific projects, and the degree of participation in the equity holding. Based on the results of the assessment, a conclusion is made about the high interest of China in the implementation of electric power projects in Russia. China especially counts on mutual support for cooperation in the field of renewable energy, namely in the sector of construction of solar, wind and hydropower plants, in order to solve the climate issue. At the same time China does not deny the importance of developing relations in the field of oil and gas. 


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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