1. Butsenko I. N., Fahretdinova N. I. Konkurentosposobnost' Rossiyskoy Federatsii i rossiyskih kompaniy v mezhdunarodnom biznese: otsenka i metody upravleniya [Competitiveness of the Russian Federation and Russian Companies in International Business: Evaluation and Methods], Menedzhment predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti : materialy XVI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii prepodavateley, doktorantov, aspirantov i studentov [Management of Entrepreneurship Activities, Materials of the XVI International Scientific-Practical Conference of Teachers, Doctoral Students, Graduate Students and Students], 2018, pp. 472-476. (In Russ.).
2. Vashchenko T. V. Global'nye reytingovye indeksy kak vozmozhnyy instrument otsenki innovatsionnogo rosta Rossii [Global Rating Index as a Possible Tool for the Assessment of Russia's Innovative Growth] Sovremennye problemy ekonomiki i innovatsionnogo razvitiya, I Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnoprakticheskaya konferentsiya. Nauchnyy tsentr «Nauka plyus» [Modern Problems of Economy and Innovative Development, I International Scientific-Practical Conference. Science Plus Research Center»], 2018, pp. 48 –56. (In Russ.).
3. Zhugalev S. A. Otsenka konkurentosposobnosti natsional'noy ekonomiki RF [Assessment of the competitiveness of the national economy of the Russian Federation], Tendentsii razvitiya nauki i obrazovaniya [Trends of Development of Science and Education], 2018, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 20–26. (In Russ.).
4. Mihaylova A. G. Rol' konkurentosposobnosti biznesa v otsenke mezhdunarodnoy konkurentosposobnosti stran [The Role of Competitiveness of Business in the Estimation of International Competitiveness of Countries], Sovremennye sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie protsessy: problemy, zakonomernosti, perspektivy, sbornik statey IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, [Modern Socio-Economic Processes: Problems, Regularities, Prospects: Сollection of Articles of the IV International Scientific Practical Conference], Penza, 2018. pp. 35-39. (In Russ.)
5. Ovchinnikova T. V. Konkurentosposobnost' Respubliki Kazahstan // [Competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan], Aktual'nye voprosy prava, ekonomiki i upravleniya, sbornik statey XIII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Current Issues of Law, Economics and Management: Collection of Articles of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference], in 2 parts, 2018, pp. 16–19. (In Russ.).