
Khadiullina G. N.1


1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI


The search for new sources of financing investment projects in modern Russia in the context of external sanctions and the implementation of geopolitical threats actualizes the problem of incorporating Islamic finance instruments into the structure of the financial market. The early twentieth century development experience of a number of foreign countries shows the steady growth of the assets of Islamic banks, investment funds and the volume of issuance of investment certificates (sukuk), which constitute the main segments of Islamic finance in the world. Islamic financial assets are widely represented in the Gulf countries, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South Asia, and Africa. The implementation of the principles of Islamic finance in the Russian Federation is hampered by legal, cultural, historical and political factors. While there are certain Islamic financial products in Russia, there is no issue of sukuk at all. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to study the principles of Islamic finance and the functioning mechanism of the market for the investment certificates (sukuk), possibilities and limitations of their implementation in the modern Russian economy. The author defines sukuk as an Islamic financial instrument used for securitization of assets, and identifies its differences from traditional bonds. Alternative approaches to solving the problem of compliance of sukuk with Sharia principles are analyzed. The prerequisites for realizing the potential of sukuk in modern Russia are determined and the obstacles to their issuance are formulated. It is concluded that the adoption of the Federal Law of 04.08.2023 N 417-FZ "On Conducting an Experiment to Establish Special Regulation in Order to Create the Necessary Conditions for Carrying out Partnership Financing Activities in Certain Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and on Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and its implementation, taking into account its provisions of pilot projects in a number of Russian regions, will make it possible to intensify the process of incorporation of project financing instruments into the structure of the financial markets of modern Russia.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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