Trade potential in the agricultural cooperation between Russia and ASEAN countries in conditions of world economic system fragmentation


Voronova Т. А.1,Novikova Е. S.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


In the article the level of food security of the ASEAN countries and Russia was determined using the Global Food Security Index, on the basis of which an analysis was made of the demand for each of the economies of the Association and the possibilities of trade cooperation with Russia in certain categories of agro-industrial products. Additionally, the article shows the key trading partners of the ASEAN countries in both export and import of agricultural products, and also identifies the position of the Russian economy among the category of so-called “other trading partners”. Based on statistical data, taking into account the current volumes of trade potential of the Russian economy, three categories of ASEAN countries were identified, for each of which a categorical analysis of the demand for agricultural products was carried out and the potential for interaction with Russia was identified.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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