Global arms exports : the formation of a new paradigm


Repnikov D. A.1


1. The Bauman Moscow State Technical University


The modern world market for arms and military equipment (WME) is experiencing a whole range of structural and dynamic changes caused by numerous global problems in the development of the world economy, the nature of competition in this market, as well as the formation of a multipolar world order. The purpose of the study was to assess possible changes in the long-term program of research on international trade in arms and military equipment, taking into account the specified triggers. As the research has shown, the political economy of global arms and military equipment exports is undergoing a significant transformation when, with the emergence of new players in the global arms and military equipment market, its qualitative characteristics and development parameters change, unconventionally affecting global demand and supply for weapons. In turn, the dynamics of defense spending have an ambiguous impact on the market under study, which can both crowd out investments in other sectors and affect the economic growth of the country and its position in global arms and military equipment exports. Finally, the global arms and military equipment market is witnessing serious and previously unknown changes in the global architecture of multilateral regulation, which determine the formation of global value chains within the framework of military-political blocs. These transformations lead to a new understanding of international cooperation between countries exporting and importing weapons and military equipment and form a new set of research problems.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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