Anti-Russian sanctions in the domestic oil and gas industry: problems and prospects


Glinskaya M. V.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The relevance of the topic of the scientific article is determined by a number of circumstances related to the fact that the oil and gas industry is one of the main sectors of the Russian economy, as well as an important component of domestic exports. The sanctions of Western countries on the economy of the Russian Federation have had a noticeable impact on the operating conditions of the industry and the requirements imposed on it by the world and the national economy. The article formulates the challenges facing the industry, which is under sanctions, and shows the possibilities of its development in 2024 and in the future. According to the author, the effectiveness of industry management, improvement of technologies, logistics, as well as the search for non-traditional sales markets are of fundamental importance today. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of the domestic oil and gas industry that arose in the sanctions conditions, to identify realistic directions for its development. The subject of the study is the hydrocarbon industry of the Russian Federation, the object of the study is changes in the domestic energy sector under the influence of Western sanctions. The article used analytical, comparative, empirical methods and visualization. It is shown that along with the development of traditional energy in the Russian Federation, it is important to pay close attention to the intensification of activities in the field of renewable energy sources. A number of measures have been proposed to reduce the negative impact of sanctions on the hydrocarbon segment of the domestic economy.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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