1. Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law
Subject. Reduction of fire safety threats based on the development of an economic and statistical unit as part of the fire monitoring system in the administrative-territorial entities of the Russian Federation, which allows for statistical processing of information on the economic consequences of fires.Purposes. Adaptation and application of economic and statistical methods to identify trends in the number of fires and the material damage they cause to the regional economy, as well as determining fire risk indexes on this basis, identifying the interrelationships of the levels of development of the regional economy by the number of fires and their negative impact on the economy.Methodology. In the applied aspect, methods of data integration, determining averages, identifying trends, calculating risks and determining correlation dependence, as well as a graphical method are used.Results. The identification of bodies of interest at various levels of state management of the socio-economic development of Russia and its regions of economic and statistical information on fire safety issues has been carried out. Data on the number and material damage from fires in the regions of the Southern Federal District (SFD) of Russia for the period 2016-2022 were integrated and trends in these indexes were determined. Fire risks are calculated and these regions are ranked according to the degree of danger. The dependence of the number and severity of economic consequences from fires on the level of economic potential of the studied regions of the Southern Federal District has been revealed.Conclusions. The results of the conducted research can be used to create a specialized economic and statistical unit as part of fire monitoring by the Fire Safety Service and The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Emercom of Russia), as well as the country’s Emergency Commissions (regional and federal levels). The calculated data obtained can be used to assess the fire safety levels of the studied regions and the Southern Federal District as a whole, which will allow solving a range of issues related to the management of these regions and the development of programs for their socio-economic development.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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