Assessment of the Dynamics of Structural Changes in the Socio-Economic Environment and Their Typology in the Context of a Statistical Approach


Kremlev N. D.1


1. Kurgan Branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the documentation for assessing the dynamics of structural changes in the socio-economic environment and their typology. The relevance of the study is related to the problems of reflecting the socio-economic environment, which affect the efficiency of economic activity. To address these issues, many regions of the country have adopted regional development strategies for the period up to 2030, which correspond to the national development goals of the Russian Federation. Various approaches of scientists to determining the essence and significance of the socio-economic environment, which is defined as a set of conditions and factors that influence all sectors of the economy, are studied.Methods: structural, index, comparative estimates and methodology of the system of national accounts.Results: the article uses a digital meter as a reproduction of the population and gross regional product (GRP), which objectively reflect the structural changes and typologies of the regions. GRP is calculated by types of economic activity, at the stages of: production, income generation and final consumption of households 2012-2021. Typologies of the Ural regions have been developed according to the following criteria: specialization of the economy, the position of the region in production, by types of primary income and final consumption of households per capita.Conclusion: the advantage of the statistical approach of studying the assessment of the dynamics of structural changes in the socio-economic environment and their typology allows us to get a more objective idea of the prevailing trends and the state of the regional economy. The results obtained made it possible to formulate a methodological basis for future scientific research in the field of structural changes in the meso-environment and socio-economic behavior of the population. They can also be used as a methodological basis for the development of public policy measures and strategies for sustainable development of territories in the future.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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