Hyperlipidemia is one of the major risk factor for cardio vascular disorders, which accounts for the one third of total death in the world. In the present study an Antilipidemic polyherbal formulation was prepared and contains four herbal drugs namely Murraya koenigi leaves, Acacia catechu bark, Emblica officinalis fruits and leaves of Gymnema sylvestra. The study involved HPLC marker-based quantification and shelf-life evaluation of a traditional Antilipidemic formulation. The quantification method for the biomarkers present in the polyherbal formulation was developed using reverse phase method by using shim-pack HPLC C18 column (250 X 4.6 mm, 5 ?m). The four phytoconstituents selected for the study are mahanine, quercetin, gallic acid and gymnemic acid respectively. The percentage content of quercetin, gallic acid, gymnemic acid and mahanine in the PHF was found to be 0.82%w/w,10.15%w/w, 2.77%w/w and 14.19%w/w respectively. Shelf life is an important component that is mandatory to be displayed on the label of all medicinal products. This is also applicable to Ayurveda. The shelf life of polyherbal formulations is also assessed in this study using an accelerated stability analysis. At a temperature of 40.2 °C and a relative humidity of 75%, physicochemical parameters were measured. The analysis was repeated at 1, 3, and 6-month intervals, with the average 10% deterioration time calculated and extrapolated to determine the shelf life. It was found that the shelf life of formulated Antilipidemic polyherbal formulation was 2 years 2 months. The polyherbal formulation prepared and evaluated can be effectively used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and the preparation can be used without any deterioration for a period of 2 years.
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