Kuchkarova Lubov Salijanovna,Kayumov Khasan Yusuf Ogli,Ergashev Nurali Azamovich,Kudeshovа Gulchekhra Telgenbaevna
Aim: This work aims to investigate the effect of quercetin on the development of small intestine disaccharidase activity in the offspring intoxicated with lead acetate.
Material and Methods: The experiments were carried out on white outbred rats. Rats were divided into control and three experimental groups. In the control and 3rd experimental group, rats were nursed by intact mothers. In the 1st and 2nd experimental groups, rats were nursed by mothers who replaced drinking water with a 0.2% lead acetate solution. All experimental groups of rats were orally treated with quercetin (20 mg/kg/24 h) from the 3rd to 20th days of postnatal life. Body weight, small intestine weight as well as the activities of intestinal maltase and lactase were determined on the 7th, 14th, and 21st days after birth.
Results: In rats nursed by mothers who used a solution of lead acetate instead of drinking water а body weight and the small intestine mucosa weight decreased, but intestinal maltase and lactase activity increased. Treatment of lead-intoxicated growing rats with quercetin restored the body weight, small intestine mucosa weight, and development rate of maltase and lactase activity.
Conclusion: The effect of quercetin on the activity of intestinal maltase and sucrase in growing rats nursed by lead acetate consumed mother is mediated through the restoration of intoxication damage since treatment of intact growing rats with quercetin in the same way and at the same time did not affect on the intestinal disaccharidases activity.
Informatics Publishing Limited
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