Prakash A. Ravi,Reddy A. Vikram Simha,RajiniKanth M.,Sreenath G.,Hussain S. Md. Khaja,Harsha D. P. Sree
Context: With respect to the recognition of an individual in forensic circumstances age assessment is an essential aspect. Teeth are considered to be least destructible part of the body under most conditions occurring in the nature like mass disasters. As the age advances, there will be physiological wearing away of the tooth due to tooth - tooth contacts, as in case of mastication. By knowing the level of attrition, age of an individual can be estimated. Microscopic investigation may not be achievable in certain instances and assessment of age relies on the sole examination of tooth by attrition. Aims: The aim of the research was meant to evaluate the age of individuals using Average Stage of Attrition (ASA) and Gustafson’s method and comparing efficacy of both the methods. Methods and Material: The study sample constituted 60 participants. Dental caries, restored crowns and patients with bruxism were excluded. The patients examined were in the age group of 35-60 years. Scores were evaluated by using Gustafson’s method and Average stage of attrition method. Statistical Analysis used: Regression Analysis. Results: The average stages of attrition and Gustafson’s scoring criteria were evaluated by conferring with the graduation standards. The data was collected and regression analyses were carried out for both the methods. By regression analysis, four regression equations for each method were obtained. Evaluation of attrition level and its accuracy in estimating the age by ASA method is more reliable than Gustafson’s attrition scoring.
Informatics Publishing Limited