1. Indian Retail Industry Analysis, available at: https:// www.ibef.org/ industry/indian-retail-industry-analysis-presentation
2. Emily Smith, “Five Types of Market Segmentation & How To Use Them in 2021, available at: https://blog.remesh. ai/ 5-types-of-market-segmentation-how-to-use-them.
3. The Importance of Customer Segmentation, available at: https://uplandsoftware.com/bluevenn/r esources/blog/ the-importance-of-customer-segmentation/
4. M. McDonald, and I. Dunbar, Market Segmentation: How to Do It, Howto Do It, How to Profit From It. Oxford, a. U.K.: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004.
5. C. Chan, ‘‘Intelligent value-based customer segmentation method for campaign management: A case study of automobile retailer,’’ Expert Syst.Appl., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2754– 2762, May 2008.