Banik Rupesh Dutta,Mandal Rakesh Kumar,Das Bubai,Pal Pritha,Baksi Sibashish,Ghosh Sabyasachi
Our findings of this study report the phytotoxicity assessment of biogenic bimetallic alloy (Au-Ag) NPs with monometallic counterparts (AgNPs and AuNPs) on Rice seed germination in respect of seedling growth and germination percentage. The phytotoxicity study of all three NPs on Rice seed indicates that seed germination percentage, root and shoot growth is not affected (upto 60 μg/ml) with biogenic (Au-Ag) NPs and AuNPs while, AgNPs had little phytotoxicity responses at higher concentration (40 μg/ml) level. So, ecological safe and sustainable biogenic alloy (Au-Ag) NPs promise potential nanocatalyst- based application for remediation of the hazardous dye from wastewater and other relevant areas.
Informatics Publishing Limited