Çocuk Edebiyatına Posthümanist Ekoeleştirel Bir Yaklaşım: José Saramago'nun "Beklenmedik Işık, "Kertenkele" ve "Dünyanın En Büyük Çiçeği"




1. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi


Children’s literature plays a significant part in children’s imaginative and socio-emotional development, as it facilitates the shaping of their worldview, nurtures their imagination, fosters empathy, and cultivates environmental consciousness. Examining children’s literature within the framework of posthumanist ecocriticism entails the process of (re)evaluating these literary works via the lens of posthumanist theories and ecocritical perspectives, with the aim of uncovering the ecological themes present within them. This sort of reading involves the posthumanist perspective, which challenges the conventional anthropocentric standpoint by interrogating the dichotomy between human and nonhuman entities and delving into the connectivity and interdependence that exists among all forms of life. Conversely, the ecocritical viewpoint investigates the interplay between literature and the environment, with a particular focus on ecological considerations, depictions of the natural world, and humans’ influence on the ecological balance. Currently, the convergence of children’s literature and posthumanist ecocriticism aims to elucidate the portrayal of nature, technology, and the interplay between humans and the environment within children’s literary works. This analysis examines the portrayal of nature in José Saramago’s literary works, namely “An Unexpected Light,” “The Lizard,” and “The World’s Largest Flower.” The focus of this examination is to determine if human and nonhuman entities are shown as distinct entities or as interconnected entities within the narrative. This analysis will explore whether Children’s Literature challenges the dichotomy between humans and nonhumans, and if it presents alternative viewpoints that promote empathy, responsibility, and interconnectedness between humans and nonhumans.


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Reference7 articles.

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4. Cohen, J. J. (2016). Posthuman environs. Environmental humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene, 25-44.

5. DeLanda, M. (2016). Assemblage theory. Edinburgh University Press.








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