1. Kaluga Research Institute of Agriculture — Branch of the Federal Potato Research Center
named after A.G. Lorkh
Relevance. Recently, the demand for paper of non-wood origin has increased. One of such sources is a perennial herbaceous plant Miscanthus giganteus from the bluegrass family.Methods. The technology of growing giant miscanthus was developed by scientists of the Kaluga Research Institute. The study was conducted in accordance with generally accepted methods and recommendations of leading technological and economic research institutes. Technological maps are calculated on the basis of the methods of M.A. Bunkov, V.M. Golovach, as well as E.V. Fastov, O.A. Kovalenko, N.G. Belova. The economic component of miscanthus production is calculated based on the methods of V.R. Boev and I.G. Ushachev.Results. During the calculations, it was found that the production of 1 ton of giant miscanthus straw according to the proposed production technology, with a planned yield of 15 tons/ha, will require 1,370 rubles. In the third year of using crop cultivation, the profitability of production, depending on the studied yield parameters (10, 15, 20 c/ha) is, respectively, 94,6%, 192,0%, 287,2%. The payback period of the project is five to eight years.
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