Phytosanitary condition and yield of winter wheat in crop rotations of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region


Toygildin A. L.1,Podsevalov M. I.1,Toygildina I. A.1,Austin V. N.1


1. Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin


In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region, winter wheat occupies the largest area among grain crops, which is associated with its relatively high productivity, economic efficiency and the ability to unload the peaks of field work in the spring. Winter wheat makes fuller use of the bioclimatic potential of productivity, especially in the arid conditions of the region. Despite the fact that the adaptive-integrated approach to the joint use of agricultural techniques and chemicalization means when growing grain crops provides significant and stable yield increases, they require regular study to adjust agricultural technologies. The article presents the results of 3-year studies in a stationary field experiment to assess the influence of predecessors, methods of basic soil cultivation and plant protection on the spread of diseases and weeds, as well as on the yield of winter wheat. Studies have shown that the placement of winter wheat after clean fallow helps to reduce the infestation of crops, and after cruciferous predecessors (white mustard, spring rape)— the spread of root rot (Bipolaris sorokiniana (Helmintosporium sativum)) and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita). Winter wheat yield after different predecessors varied from 5.16 t/ha for pure fallow to 3.77–4.04 t/ha after nonfallow predecessors with a significant increase in adaptive-integrated plant protection by 0.37 t/ha (9.2%) and insignificant — for combined tillage in crop rotation — by 0.19 t/ha (4.6%).


Agrarian Science

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