Influence of biopreparations on formation of elements of productivity of spring barley


Ryabtseva N. A.1


1. Department of Agriculture and Storage Technologies for Plant Products of Don State Agrarian University


Relevance. The strategy for the development of agriculture in Russia and its biologization determine the relevance of our research. Empirical studies are aimed at studying the effect of biological preparations on the formation of elements of the structure of the yield of spring barley. The data presented in the work continues the research carried out in 2016–2020 in the Rostov region.Methods. Studied biopreparations are: Biodux; Trainer; Artafite; Obereg; Fulvogumate. Control — water treatment. Spraying was carried out according to the recommendations for the use of preparations: 1st — in the tillering phase, 2nd — in the heading phase. The total area under the experiments is 600 m2, the area of each variant is 25 m2, the replication is 4 times. The link in the crop rotation is “sunflower — spring barley”. The soils of the experimental plot are ordinary chernozem. Used variety is Leon.Results. In 2021, full sprouting of barley was observed on the 8th day after sowing. This is due to sufficient warming up of the sowing layer of soil (+8 °C) and moisture 28 mm (in a layer of 0–10 cm). Studies have shown that field germination of barley was 88%. The use of biological products influenced the survival rate of plants to harvest which wasmore than 80%. In the variants with the use of Biodux and Obereg, this figure was 86 and 87%, respectively. Biopreparations stimulated the growth of productive stems, productive bushiness increased in comparison with the control (1,21) to 1,28–1,33. The mass of a thousand grains in the variants exceeded the control, especially with the use of Obereg — 45,6 g, which is 2,9 g more than the control. The number of grains in an ear ranged from 17,7 to 18 pieces, which is on average 1 piece more than in the control. The highest productivity was formed by barley plants under the influence of the biopreparations Obereg and Biodux. Thus, the increase in productivity under the influence of biological products due to all elements of the productivity of barley plants has been reliably proven.


Agrarian Science

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