Methodology for the formulation of a set of measures for the development of rural areas


Leshcheva M. G.1,Yuldashbayev Yu. A.2


1. Stavropol State Agrarian University

2. RGAU — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev


Relevance. The current state of rural areas is characterized by poor development of engineering and social infrastructure, low, compared to urban, standard of living, negative forms of migration, natural decline and depopulation of the rural population. Within the framework of state regulation of the process of overcoming the current situation, state support is provided for measures for the development of rural areas put forward on the basis of local initiatives (ofmunicipalities, citizens, professional communities). However, generally accepted scientific recommendations for the formulation of such measures are not currently developed, so the topic of the study is relevant.Methods. The research is based on systematic, dialectical, abstract-logical, and organizational approaches. The object of the study is rural territories, the subject is theoretical and methodological issues related to the formulation of measures for their development.Results. A methodological approach to the formulation of a set of measures for the development of rural areas, taking into account the opportunities provided by the current state programs, is proposed. It includes the following stages: analysis of the state of the rural territory; forecasting the directions and dynamics of its development; determination of objective needs and selection of the most appropriate changes in the properties of the rural territory; formulation of a set of measures and justification of mechanisms for their implementation. In the proposed methodological approach, the rural territory is considered not in isolation, but in a single system of settlement “city — village” based on the use of SWOT and PEST analysis. At the stage of forecasting the directions and dynamics of rural development, a comprehensive use of the normative resource method and the method of extrapolation of time series trends is proposed. The selection of the most appropriate changes in the properties of the rural territory is carried out on the basis of a multi-level approach that allows to identify the problems of rural settlements, individual social groups and rural residents. It is proposed to justify the mechanisms for implementing measures for the development of rural areas based on the resources of municipalities, rural population, private business and state support measures.


Agrarian Science

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