The concept of evelopment of digitalization of complex land reclamation


Yurchenko I. F.1ORCID


1. All-Russian research Institute of hydraulic engineering and land reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov


Relevance. The growing population and fierce competition in the global and domestic markets for food products have determined the priority of the digitalization of the reclamation water management complex. The purpose of the work is to highlight the fundamental approaches and promising areas of digitalization of integrated land reclamation.Methods. The research was based on a systematic approach to the digitalization of land reclamation activities. The results of the analysis of practical experience and the integration of publications of domestic and foreign scientists are supplemented with indicators of heuristic forecasts for the effectiveness of the modernization of production processes and land reclamation enterprises, materials for processing statistical data on the use of digital solutions in agricultural production using instrumental methods and experimental calculations.Results. The analysis of the current state of digitalization of the sphere of land reclamation activities of the domestic agro-industrial complex has been carried out. The need for modernization of land reclamation facilities based on digital solutions for the technological processes of their design, construction and operation has been identified. The goals and objectives of digitalization of measures, engineering systems and land reclamation facilities are formulated. Promising directions of digital solutions for land reclamation processes based on a platform approach are presented. The structure of the “Digital Reclamation” platform includes functional modules: "Efficient Reclamation and Water Management Complex", "Intellectual Reclamation System", "Smart Reclaimable Field", "Safe Reclamation", "Competitive Enterprise" and "Professional Reclamation", which integrate the entire scope of knowledge, information and data in the field of land reclamation activities, necessary for decision-making and implementation of control actions. The basic tools for the creation, construction and operation of the software and technological complex for the digitalization of the crop production system of reclaimed lands have been determined. The area of expected results of the introduction of digital solutions into the practice of the reclamation sector of the agro-industrial complex has been highlighted. It should be noted that the upcoming global digitalization of land reclamation is inevitable. In the end, those enterprises will win, whose managers understand this earlier, and will begin to introduce digital systems not only within individual technological processes, but also in a complex way.


Agrarian Science


General Medicine

Reference50 articles.

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