1. Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Relevance. Today, a significant place in the feeding of farm animals is given to such inexpensive waste from the oil extraction industry as sunflower husk. In this regard, one of the promising and modern methods for optimizing feed production can be the use of liquid media activated in various ways, in combination with ultrasonic treatment. Materials and methods. The object of research was crushed sunflower husk (1.0 mm) (sample 1), as well as husk sonicated (cavitated) in hydromodules with water (in the ratio “husk: water” 1 : 3 (sample 2)), and with lactic acid (“husk: lactic acid” 1 : 3 (sample 3)). The obtained samples were used in in vitro studies with rumen fluid in the “Daisy D200I” incubator (“Ankom Technology”, USA). The following indicators of the exchange of nitrogenous metabolites in the cicatricial contents were determined – residual and total nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method according to the method of K. K. Akhazhanova (2016); ammonia nitrogen – by microdiffusion method according to Conway. The taxonomic composition of the scar fluid was determined by NGS-sequencing using the “MiSeq device” (“Illumina”, USA). Research results. Data analysis showed that the use of cavitated sunflower husk increases the digestibility of dry matter by 19.0 % (Р ≤ 0.01), and cavitated together with lactic acid husk – by 20.7 % (Р ≤ 0.01) in comparison with crushed husk. When incubating cavitated sunflower husk and cavitated together with lactic acid sunflower husk, there were a decrease in the number of archaea, in particular the class Methanobacteria, by 23.73 % and 20.36 % (Р ≤ 0.05) and an increase in the number of bacteria of the phyla Bacteroidetes by 10.2 % and 11.27 %, Firmicutes – by 4.66 % and 6.86 % relative to the use of crushed husk.
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