The Correlation between Adolescents' Bullying Experiences and Mental Health


Suriah Suriah,Dondo Marisa Lestary,Riskiyani Shanti


One indicator of good adolescent quality of life can be observed through their mental health conditions. Variables suspected to be associated with and affecting adolescent mental health include experiences of bullying. This study aims to assess the relationship between bullying experiences among adolescents and their mental health. The research utilizes an analytical observational method with a cross-sectional design. The population consists of high school students in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, totalling 3,514 individuals. A sample of 390 students aged 15-18 years was selected using accidental sampling techniques. The relationship between bullying experiences and mental health was analysed using the chi-square test. To evaluate the extent of the risk of bullying experiences influencing adolescent mental health, multiple logistic regression analysis was employed. The research results indicate a significant association between adolescents who have experienced bullying and their mental health (_p_ = 0.006). Adolescents who are victims of bullying are four times more likely to experience mental health disorders (OR = 4.204; 95% CI = 1.525 – 11.589). It is recommended that schools establish anti-bullying units comprising students, teachers, and parents to minimize bullying incidents in schools that can impact adolescent mental health.


Qeios Ltd


General Medicine

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