On the Origin of Aging by Means of Natural Selection


Walker Richard


Formulating a novel concept about the origin of human aging has been constrained by the dominance of a _“classic theory” _that was proposed nearly 70 years ago. Despite concern over the validity of some of its assumptions, the theory remained basic to our understanding of aging’s relationship with natural selection (NS). However, the logic upon which it rests was tested and subsequently challenged. The present theory describes the single cause of human aging consistent with Darwin’s evolutionary requirement for selection of adaptive traits. It describes an emergent property of the developmental program (DP), that is expressed upon completion of ontogenesis. It involves redundant expression of regulatory processes from the last stage of the DP. That mechanism subsequently preserves a non-aging, stable interval of unchanging NS during which reproductive fitness is achieved. Thereafter, loss of DP regulatory redundancy due to reliability limits, stochastic mutation accumulation, reproductive and a specific type of DNA damage, initiates aging which causes an inexorable decline in strength of NS to begin. It starts approximately a decade later than proposed in the classic theory. Since reproduction and aging are inextricably linked by the same emergent property, selection of that regulatory mechanism makes both traits products of NS. 


Qeios Ltd

Reference150 articles.

1. Walker, R.F. A mechanistic theory of developmental aging continuity in humans and other mammals, Cells 2022, 119(5), 917; doi 10.3390/cells/1050917.

2. The selection force weakens with age because ageing evolves and not vice versa

3. Gould SJ. 1981. citing Darwin, Charles (1871). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. pp. 152–153.

4. Darwin, C. (1859) On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, John Murray (Pub), Albemarle St. London, pp 502

5. Thomson, K S. Marginalia: The meanings of evolution. American Scientist 1982, 70 (5), 529–531. Bibcode:1982 AmSci.70..529T. JSTOR 27851662








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