What connects entangled photons?


Muchowski Eugen


Entangled quantum systems can connect to the environment via a Bell state measurement. This applies, for example, to teleportation and entanglement swapping. Although the results are well understood, it is not entirely clear whether they involve nonlocal action or whether they are predetermined. This can best be decided from a model, provided it predicts the key measurement results. Models based on the fact that the partners of an entangled pair have the same value of a statistical parameter cannot be applied here. This is because the partner particles of the resulting entangled states after a teleportation or an entanglement swapping never had contact before. The question then is, what connects entangled photons? Therefore, this paper presents a local realistic model that reproduces the quantum mechanical predictions for expectation values with polarization measurements, but is not based on shared statistical parameters. Instead, the coupling of the entangled particles is based on initial conditions and conservation of spin angular momentum. The model refutes Bell's theorem and also explains teleportation and entanglement swapping in a local way. The manuscript is thus a step forward toward a complete theory describing quantum physical reality as thought possible by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen.


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