BACKGROUND: In the recent era, biological treatment using therapeutic microbes or phytochemicals has proven more beneficial than conventional methods due to several reasons - permanent control of weeds, host-specific control, cost-effectiveness, and low health risk.
This study determined the antimicrobial sensitivity profile of _Staphylococcus aureus_, _Pseudomonas aeruginosa_, and _Escherichia coli_ against plants like _Acacia arabica_, _Prosopis juliflora_, _Abutilon indicum_, and _Bryonia laciniosa_. Given the importance and ease of using phytochemicals in modern Microbiology, this study has been carried out towards the approach of green synthesis of antimicrobial agents.
METHODS: The primary purpose of this study was to determine the antimicrobial sensitivity of _Staphylococcus aureus_, _Pseudomonas aeruginosa_, and _Escherichia coli_ using extracts from plants like _Acacia arabica_, _Prosopis juliflora_, _Abutilon indicum_, and _Bryonia laciniosa_. Antimicrobial properties of plant extracts were analyzed by determining the _Zone of Inhibition_ (_ZOI_). The antibiogram pattern of isolated _Staphylococcus aureus_, _Pseudomonas aeruginosa_, and _Escherichia coli_ was observed to be Susceptible, Intermediate, and Slightly Resistant to _Acacia arabica_, _Prosopis juliflora_, _Abutilon indicum_, and _Bryonia laciniosa_.
RESULTS: Phytochemical analysis indicates that the extracts of _Acacia arabica_, _Prosopis juliflora_, _Abutilon indicum_, and _Bryonia laciniosa_ have the potential for use in managing _Staphylococcus aureus_, _Pseudomonas aeruginosa_, and _Escherichia coli_. Further phytochemical analysis is required to identify the active components of plant extracts showing antimicrobial activity.
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