It is often claimed that Einstein is wrong about quantum mechanics. However, when comparisons are made with respect to theoretical foundations rather than experimental results Einstein’s theories are found to be superior. Because he did not complete his theory its far-reaching, intuitively motivated derivations were never properly appreciated despite the fact that his is the only theory based on a relativistically correct foundation. The development of his arguments reveals that although non-relativistic theory correctly predicts what it is possible to observe (the emissions) with remarkable accuracy it neglects the other half of natural phenomena, that which cannot be observed (the absorptions), thereby violating the conservation of energy. The deficiencies in non-relativistic theory are corrected by applying Hamilton’s principle and deriving relativistic equations of motion. This allows quantum mechanical formalism in abstract space to be replaced by the juxtaposition of particle field geometries in real space. Direct application of the calculus of variations to an electron cycle reveals that the wave function represents a non-conservative force which is incomplete because it requires twice the allowable action minimum.