In this fast-growing world, the need for engineers and technologies improves rapidly. Institutional development is possible only when we recruit outstanding faculty members but they need continuous development to effectively contribute to the human and knowledge capital. Many researchers focused on a few aspects of faculty development. Hence, this research focused on the planned development of the faculty from recruitment to retirement. An empirical model entitled “RODEORR” has been developed with the contribution of 306 faculty members from one state. The model consists of the following seven focused factors: 1. Recruitment based on faculty’s excellence, intrinsic and achievement motivation, 2. Orientation of the newly recruited faculty members to the goals, vision, mission, and objectives of the institute, 3. Continuous focused development of the faculty members based on equity, ethics, integrity, and excellence through in-house faculty development, sponsored global faculty development, and mass open online courses, and allowing self-determined development programs, 4. Continuous evaluation of faculty performances, accomplishments, and innovations, 5. Utilizing the opportunities for growth of the faculty members, 6. Rewards and recognition for the faculty members' outstanding performances and contributions to society, and 7. Assisting safe retirement by paying the pension and other accrued finances. If the outstanding faculty members desire to contribute to the development of knowledge capital, they can be reemployed as per the Education Ministry’s guidelines. The suggestions have been validated through a set of four principals and they accepted the continuous faculty development.