Signboards prohibiting tobacco sale within 100 yards of educational institutes: The appraisal of prohibition compliance and on-ground status of the COTPA Act, 2003 in Chanakyapuri Division of New Delhi Revenue District, the administrative precinct of India.


Singh RajaORCID


Cigarette smoking and use of tobacco poses threat to the health of young adults and adolescents. Availability of tobacco vendors near educational institutes means higher availability to vulnerable population.  The Indian Government has enacted the Cigarettes and other Tobacco products (prohibition of advertisement and regulation of trade and commerce, production, supply and distribution) Act, 2003 or the COTPA Act, 2003 under a WHO resolution, which has further rules notified. Two important rules are prohibiting sale of tobacco products within 100 yards of educational institutes and installing a signboard stating prohibition to sell the same. Compliance of this was checked in 62 educational institutions in the administrative centre of India's capital, New Delhi. The compliance of both the points, especially something easy as installations of boards is poor and less than half of the institutions had implemented. Tobacco sellers within 100 yards were present. Beyond 100 yards, but within reach was also where tobacco sellers were present.  To save young adults, the compliance of COTPA, 2003 must be made strict and offenders punished severely. 


Qeios Ltd

Reference21 articles.

1. World Health Organisation. (1986). Tobacco or Health: Agenda Item 22; Resolutions of the Thirty-Ninth World Health Assembly of Interest to the Regional Committee. []

2. Government of India. (2003). The Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003. [ and Other Tobacco Products/COTPA-2003-English-Version.pdf] The Gazette of India, vol. Act No. 34 of 2003 . Controller of Publications, Government of India, Delhi.

3. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. (2010). Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Display of Boards by Educational Institutions) Rules, 2009. [ on Section-6(b) of the Act Related on Prohibition of Sale around Educational Institutions/GSR-40(E).pdf] Controller of Publications, Government of India..

4. (1997). The Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non-Smokers Health Protection Act, 1996. []

5. Government of NCT of Delhi. Revenue Map of New Delhi District with Sub Divisions. []







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