Relatively few studies are known about the larval habit of tropical Micropezidae, but it is known that the larvae commonly develop in decomposing plant organic matter and can also be reared in manure. Species of the genus _Mimegralla_ Rondani and _Calobata _Meigen can develop on rhizomes and roots of ginger or other plants. Adults are either predatory on small insects or are attracted to excrement or decaying fruit. Adults are found on low herbage, flowers, leaves, rotting fruit, and excrement. The Micropezidae mimic ants; others mimic wasps and are especially similar in appearance to some ichneumonid wasps. The objective of this manuscript is to verify the mimicry behavior of the Family Micropezidae (Insecta: Diptera). The bibliographic search included the Lilacs databases (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) at: http://www.bireme.br/, in electronic journals available at the Scielo and USP databases: http://www.usp.br/ and in theoretical books, theses banks, university dissertations, national and international scientific articles, scientific journals, documents. The main terms used were: Diptera, flies, and Micropezidae.