This volume in the prestigious Linguistic Insights book series (Peter Lang) fills an acknowledged lacuna in studies considering the tourism research article from a gender perspective. Indeed, the attention paid to the tourism research article (RA) has been, if anything, fragmentary, since, as noted in Lin and Evans (2012), no attempt has been made to fully outline the generic structure of the RA in tourism. This is precisely one of the focuses of interest of this monograph, which aims to provide genre scholars and language professionals with an outline of the genre pattern of the RA and the lexicogrammatical choices associated with each generic section, together with a detailed description of the specific stance-taking devices. This is really the main aim of this book, as its title expressly calls for. Much of the information presented in this monograph, as attributed therein, belongs to a major research project conducted over the years on the language of tourism in English and other languages (cf. Álvarez- Gil, Payet, & Sánchez Hernández, 2020).
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics
Reference19 articles.
1. Alonso-Almeida, F. & F. J. Álvarez-Gil (2019). Modal verb categories in CHET. In I. Moskowich, B. Crespo, L. Puente-Castelo & L. M. Monaco (eds) Writing History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus. Bern: John Benjamins, 150-165. https://doi.org/10.1075/z.225.08alo
2. Álvarez Gil, F. J. (2017). "In fact" and "actually" in English history texts (1700-1900). Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 23/2, 247-262. DOI: 10.20420/rlfe.2017.181. https://doi.org/10.20420/rlfe.2017.345
3. Álvarez-Gil, F. J. & M. Bondi (2021) Introduction to the monographic section: Metadiscourse devices in academic discourse. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 54/106, 518-528. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09342021000200518
4. Álvarez-Gil, F. J. (2021). Authority and deontic modals in Late Modern English. In I. Moskowich, I. Lareo, G. Camiña (eds) "All families and genera": Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. Bern: John Benjamins, 249-264. https://doi.org/10.1075/z.237.13alv
5. Álvarez-Gil, F. J., K. M. M. Payet, & Á. Sánchez Hernández. (2020). Analyse de la modalité dans quelques textes touristiques aux Îles Canaries. Studii şi cercetări filologice. Seria Limbi străine aplícate, 19, 9-20.