Forum Renascens (Los Bañales de Uncastillo, Zaragoza): Arqueología de la Arquitectura de un foro romano al servicio de la difusión por medio de la Arqueología Virtual


Serrano Basterra Pablo,Andreu Pintado Javier


<p>An archaeological site concerning the remains of an ancient Roman city, developed mainly from 1st BC to III AD, in the area named "Los Bañales", is located at the south of the current town of Uncastillo (Zaragoza, Spain) in Comarca de las Cinco Villas. From 2008 the archaeological site is been studied in a interdisciplinar research project leaded by Fundación Uncastillo under the autorizathion of Gobierno de Aragón. Last seasons of excavation have been focused in the forum, the ancient public square of the roman town, still in process of research. It was a quite small square but following all the requeriments of those type of buildings in Roman Achitecture. Using Blender software, a model of recreation of the forum is being done. The following paper presents a brief summary of the dossier of decissions concerning this recreation result, however, of the interdisciplinar cooperation between historians, archaeologists and architects. </p>


Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


Computer Science Applications,Archaeology,Archaeology,Conservation

Reference26 articles.

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