1. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23. October 2000 "Establishing a Framework for Community Action in the Field of Water Policy" (briefly named "Framework Directive"). Official Journal of the European Communities L 327, 22 Dec. 2000, p.1
2. European Commission: Strategic Document "Common Strategy on the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive". Brussels, 2 May 2001
3. European Commission: Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe. O.J. 281, 26. 9. 1996, p.3
4. F. Nunes Correia, R. Andreas Kraemer: EUROWATER, Vol.1: Institutionen der Wasserwirtschaft (Institutions of the Water Sector), Vol. 2: Dimensionen Europäischer. Wasserpolitik (Dimensions of European Water Politics). Springer Berlin-Heidelberg 1997
5. Productivity Commission 2000: Arrangements for Setting Drinking Water Standards, International Benchmarking. AusInfo, Canberra/Australia 2000