1. State Institution «I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Most agricultural periodicals do not adhere to recommendations for the design of a scientific journal recognized by world standards, and do not have adequate information platforms for interacting with both search engines and international citation indices. On June 5, 2020 State Institution “I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was appointed the executor of generation and filling the “Portal of publications of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”. The portal will consist of two elements. The first element is the portal itself, which will provide unified information about the new, most cited and viewed articles on agricultural topics, agricultural science news and will have a single search line for all materials posted on the portal. The second element is completely self-contained scientific journal sites. Each of the journals included in the project will receive its own separate site, which will fully comply with modern scientific publishing practices and the requirements of international scientific databases. The “Portal of the publications of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” and the sites of the journals will be developed in conjunction with the system of comprehensive support and support of the scientific journal “Elpub” Non-for-profit partnership “National Electronic Information Consortium”. The library has signed an agreement on cooperation with four organizations of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to provide materials published in their journals for filling the portal and sites. The implementation of this project will serve as a foundation for the future entry of Belarusian scientific agricultural journals into international scientific databases and will help to acquaint the world scientific community with the developments of Belarusian agrarian scientists.
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