In 2019–2020 in the RUE “Institute of Fruit-growing” research was carried out to study the effect of the modified gas
environment (MGE) on the preservation of quality and consumption period extension of the fresh apple-tree fruits of early
ripening period.
The objects of research were the fruits of seven apple-tree species of early ripening period (Aksamit, Kovalenkovskoe,
Mechta, Palanez, Papirovka, Ranak, Slava pobeditelyam), grown in the department of selection of fruit crops of the
RUE “Institute of Fruit-growing”.
The change of the gas composition in a closed package makes it possible to reduce the natural weight loss for species
by 2.9 % average and to increase the output of healthy fruits in all species.
The use of MGE minimizes losses from physiological disorders in the apple-tree fruits of early ripening period by 1.7–2.5
times and reduces losses from fungal diseases by 2.0–7.3 %, depending on the species.
Storage in MGE increases the safety of the fruits after removal from storage (residual effect) by 3–6 days, depending on
the species.
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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