1. ADORNO, Rolena. The Polemics of Possession in Spanish American Narrative. New Haven: Yale University, 2007.
2. AGAMBEN, Gorgio. La Potenza del Pensiero. Vicenza: Neri Pozza, 2005.
3. AUGUSTINE, of Hippo, Saint. The City of God (De civitas Dei). In: The Great Books, vol. 18, Encyclopedia Britannica. Transl. Marcus Dodds. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 1951. p. 129-620.
4. BASADRE, Jorge. Meditaciones sobre el destino histórico del Perú. Lima: Huascarán, 1947.
5. BENJAMIN, Walter. On the Concept of History. Transl. Dennis Redmond. 2005 [1940].