We analyzed 1,079 forensic autopsies conducted in 2021 by the National Forensic Service Daejeon Institute from the Jungbu province in the central part of South Korea, for their manner and cause of death. Among the manner of death (n=1,079), 45.3% (n=489) were categorised as unnatural, 39.5% (n=426) as natural, and 15.2% (n=164) were unknown. Among the unnatural deaths (n=489), 40.7% (n=199) were accidents, 36.8% (n=180) were suicides, 14.1% (n=69) were undetermined, and 8.4% (n=41) were homicides. The major causes of unnatural deaths (n=489) were by trauma, causing 34.4% (n=168), poisoning causing 26.8% (n=131), and asphyxia causing 17.2% (n=84). The major cause of death by trauma (n=168) was falling at 46.4% (n=78), and by asphyxia (n=84) was strangulation at 76.2% (n=64). Among natural deaths (n=426), heart disease was the major cause at 49.8% (n=212) followed by vascular disease at 16.7% (n=71). In future, a time-series statistical analysis on the manner and causes of death in Jungbu province may provide insight and allow for more advanced interpretations about both healthcare and public safety.
The Korean Society for Legal Medicine (KAMJE)