1. Bridgewater, Dilks T. B. (ed.). 1933. Bridgewater borough archives 1200-1377. Somerset Record Society, Vol 48. Frome & London: Somerset Record Society.
2. Bilingual Thesaurus of Everyday Life in Medieval England (BTh), Richard Ingham & Louise Sylvester (eds.), Birmingham City University and University of Westminster. https://thesaurus.ac.uk/bth/ (accessed 29 May 2019).
3. Lib. Cust.: Liber Customarum. In David Trotter (ed.). 2007. Anglo-Norman hub textbase. www.anglo-norman.net (accessed 2019).
4. Middle English Dictionary, Hans Kurath, Sherman Kuhn & Robert Lewis (eds.). 1952–2001. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/middle-english-dictionary/dictionary (accessed 29 May 2019).
5. Paston letters, Norman Davis (ed.). 1971. Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.