1. eV n - ZnSe eV p - ZnTe Fig scheme of the n ZnTe heterojunction in polytelluride electrolyte at equilibrium in the dark I l Thermodynamics of Photocorrosion ofn - ZnSe andp - ZnTe V vs SHE;ZnSe;Energy,2009
2. eV j n ZnS Fig scheme of the n ZnS heterojunction in polysulphide electrolyte at equilibrium in the dark Vvs SHE;ZnSe;Energy
3. mV Bozzini et αϊ Table VII Oxidative photodecomposition reactions of n - ZnSe in polytell , uride electrolyte PEC reactions ZnSe OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH SHE mV;ZnSe;Corrosion Reviews