The effect of inpatient treatment on the stress experienced by parents with an excessively crying infant / Die Auswirkungen eines Spitalaufenthaltes auf die Belastung von Eltern mit einem exzessiv schreienden Kind


Wittberger Liv Solveig1,Albermann Kurt1,Pehlke-Milde Jessica2,Koppitz Andrea2


1. Kantonsspital Winterthur , Departement Kinder- und Jugendmedizin , Brauerstrasse 15, 8401 Winterthur , Switzerland

2. Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften , Departement Gesundheit , Technikumstr. 81, 8401 Winterthur , Switzerland


Abstract Introduction Up to 40% of families are faced with a fussy, inconsolable high need infant in the first three months postpartum. A major reason for parents to seek professional help is the trying aspect of the situation with these children. The supportive role of health professionals has the greatest potential to reduce the parent’s stress and burden. To our knowledge, there are no studies on inpatient treatment for families with such infants so far. Aim The aim of this study is to show how an inpatient setting may reduce the stress and burden of parents with an inconsolably crying infant. Method A grounded theory approach (Charmaz) was used to analyse semi-structured interviews of 13 parents from a total of 9 families. Results Two core categories emerged from the data: “To get out of hand” describes how parents lose the ability to control and direct family life. “To find one’s way into daily routine” describes how they once again gain confidence and develop coping strategies. Conclusion An inpatient treatment reduces the burden on families with inconsolably crying infants. The change in the environment is helpful. Guidance and support enhance the parents’ skill and ability to handling the infant. The stress on the parents can increase again upon hospital discharge. Therefore, improvement is needed in treatment planning and parental support at the conclusion of the hospital stay as well as upon hospital discharge.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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