1. Royal Norwegian Air Force, Norway
2. Department of Leadership, Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy, Norway
3. Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
This qualitative study explores the meaning-making process of veterans to address the positive aspects of military service in international operations. Thirteen veterans from a Force Protection Unit in Norway were interviewed about their deployment to Afghanistan. A thematic analysis revealed three main themes reflecting meaningful aspects of the service. “Confirmation of ability” refers to finding meaning by coping with stressful situations and being recognized for it. “Cohesion of peers” refers to finding meaning by belonging to a team and giving mutual support within the team, such as backing up each other and caring. “Significance of effort” refers to finding meaning by seeing their efforts as a contribution, as well as by receiving recognition and gaining status for their efforts. The analysis also revealed accompanying themes of inconsistencies, which in turn activated different coping strategies. The findings have been substantiated through a functional exposition of meaning: purpose, value, efficacy, and self-worth, as advocated by Baumeister (1991), and are discussed in the context of previous research and a theoretical concept of meaning making. Steps for future research are proposed.
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